Here is the new favorite-hairy butter
or as they say in england "ary bahah"
it was a little ary
and then all bahah
then we went back to my love's zone of super extreme fun that keeps snow weeks after the last snowfall
Then Sam, Mark, Matt and I made our way to Grenoble. Sweet city, lots of culture and nice people. we rolled into town and parked the car. I asked the first guy i saw if it was legal to park there, and soon he was showing us his van full of beer that he brews from his house. Blondes, porters, lagers, and the works. he had it all, so we bought a bunch of beers. they ended up being the best beers i have had in europe by a long shot.
we went to serre chevalier the next day. bad conditions, but the picnic lunches we have been having on the mountain were second to none with cuisine
and views
on the way back we experience the center of all things gnar-la grave
he ski kiters are getting gnar on the pass outside of la grave
la grave looked even more gnar with glare ice and low snow
the entire valley between grenoble and la grave is littered with hundreds of ice falls. every turn out on the road had a couple cars and ice climbers getting ready to ascend.
Grenoble turned out to be one of the best cities i have been to yet.
went to this museum on the way to the bastille-top 3 museums of my life, and it was free!
from drawings to reality
the original sheep wagon from the alps! you dont need wheels when there is snow on the ground all the time.
the ski history part of the museum-UNREAL. EVERY SKIER MUST VISIT!
back when skis folded in half and people were worried about sunburn
shout out to minnesota-Duluth representing in europe!
we continued the journey uphill to storm the bastille and start the revolution
many breaks were taken due to the rain
the bastille was pretty amazing. history runs pretty deep here
looking down at grenoble, mark-"too much church"
this place is SWEET!
grenoble summary-bastille, mountains, city
and us
and then discoteque
the next day we went to les 7laux and there was literally no snow, so we left and went to annecy instead
chilling by the lake
there wasnt a bastille to storm so we went to the church instead
having fun despite no snow in europe
we drove to geneva and dropped sam off to go back to work-thanks for all the fun dawg.
mark, matt and i went to Chamonix after that and were blown away by the view
another good picnic, bread, meat and cheese, the european way
we went up the agui do midi to see what it was all about
Chamonix is down there
unloading at the midway station i get off, look up, see a face i know, and my brain skips a beat "hey mark hows it going?" "good man, how was it up there?" "all right, have a good one man" randomly run into mark abma, one of my biggest skiing influences.
in chamonix they like lewis and clark too
saw some tasty food dishes that were a little out of my price range
european fashion alert-they love black, and if it is down even better, and if it is shinny, best. as you can see in the reflection i dont fit in here
woody-you made it to Chamonix France!
We went through the mt. blanc tunnel to see italy for the afternoon due to the lack of snow in Chamonix and were blown away that right over 1 mountain there was meters of snow instead of rain. i drove mark and matt back to geneva to fly back to montana and then turned back around and went back to Courmayeur Italy. My buddy Gregor hooked me up with his friend Rudy, a local guide on his day off. he showed me around and we didnt have any troubles finding powder-
it kept snowing for 3 days
I went back to where mark, matt and i went for lunch at the petit bistro in courmayeur. fell in love with the people, paninis, and beers. check this place out if you make it here
tony the owner loved the stickers so much he put it on the front door
it isnt hard to wake up in your car in the ski hill parking lot when you see it is going to be a sunny powder day
and when you catch the very first ride to the top of the arp with 4 other locals
rode by myself, but still found the goods thanks to gregor's descriptions of where to go. got first and second tracks down this chute before anyone realized what was up
back at the petit bistro tony showed me his former guns and roses days
Francisco and Tony, men of the night
but i wonder sometimes if in different countries they have different shaped....?
sisco showed me the good life in courmayuer, football downtown
went riding with his crew the next day, super fun. next time i see him i am sure he will be doing flips and spins on his board
thanks for showing me around, petit bistro for life