Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Cooke City:Epicly Epic Corn Fest 2010

Hidden Gully- Not corn fest but skied it the other day. Worst wreck of the season halfway down at 40 mph.

Ok CORN FEST 2010-Tom, Doug and Sam loving the drive through Yellowstone.

the trip was part ski/snowmobile/party and part wildlife viewing spectacular.
Do you see natures Coyote?

Bison abound everywhere

Crazy eyes soon took over once we reached Cooke City

Shit there were even women in the town!

The partying begins

Ryan a true sledhead

Tom getting pulled in with Henderson in the background.

Captain Sam. Ramair had an awesome day

This is where Drew lives, on the WEST SIDE

the crew

our playland;

mt. abundance

Glade liking the SnowPro 800

Ryan with the shot of the trip

Drew doing the old Ghost Ride on Scotch Bonnet. Going


Nearly a hole in one!

Captain rocking out on the ridge while keeping it real for all those gangsters

Some people felt the first night more than others.

It wasnt Greg thats for sure

Ryan snowboarding in snowmobile gear, one good athlete

Cooke City-where sandwiching on a snowmobile down the middle of the highway at 5pm isnt a bad thing

Drew and Glade's digs. Small but all you needed was there! oh and Ryan with the raccoon face

Drew Glade Doug

I didnt want to leave by this point

Coyote #2


Came close to pooping myself

Sketchy conditions kept us on mellower and minigolf lines.
Drew not having a problem having a good time-

Cool pillow zone-

Drew stomping a 180

Captain, Dreddy, Shelly, Beater, Tammy, Shorty, Durston D, Nater

BBQ after a long weekend of good weather

Randy Sierra brought us safe and sound all the way home

I dubbed this line "The Greater One"

lifestyle shot

Randy sure had more horsepower than this slow tundra cow

Fuzzy headed deer rounded out this trip

Cooke City with snow-unreal

Belated Brdger Bowl Skiing

Had some fun days back at Bridger Bowl. The last day was quite a shit show.

Sam made it to the top of Bradley's despite all of the beer and tight fitting retro wear

Sam dropping in

After the lifts closed the snow got even better. Ben on the approach.

The goods were looking good for Andy over at Schlashys

Andy, Ben

Ben doing ye old rauschblock on the snow pack.

Andy ripped Jaws right after me with style

Look for the little Keebler up in the trees.

Andy's second run. looks like some good snow in the chute.

up again and again

And still after three runs we still were the only shreders