Left Hakuba and got on the road to Korea with a buddy Morten. First we made it to an early viewing of Sakura (flower viewing) in Tokyo-
Stayed at K's house in Tokyo. We were treated to a Japanese picture card show which was very funny. Check out K's house-Good place to stay around Japan.https://www.kshouse.jp/tokyo-e/index.html
Morten and I went out to an all you can eat all you can drink restaurant. Unbelievably good food.
Flew to Pusan the next day. Totally different culture, people, beer, food, rice wine, pretty much everything. I got sick of the city the first day out and ended up hiking up that mountain in the background to get away from people.
Toilets-different in every country
my first of many mountain temple cats that didnt like me so much
got to the top and this guy thought he was alone for his mountaintop yelling chant, he wasnt!
Busan S.K.-crazy city- ocean to a 3.7 million person city with mountains right behind them.
People pumping iron during their nature walks.
I met these people with the only word i knew "mekchu" or beer in English.
lots of markets
and crazy sidewalk vendors
Beomusa temple had some amazing sights
Just followed the drums and came upon this traditional Korean wedding. Beautiful in a whole different way.
Front gate-Beomusa
find the other ready to attack my face off cat
Korea's equivalent to the Wall of China
hike this mountain the next day
And a guy gave me his nuts at the top of the mountain as an act of gratitude. and because i had run out of food and water.
two of these guys at your front door wards of evil sprits
the fish market-
where the old ladies peel the skin off live eels. it tasted good at least!
I didnt know my roommate had a cafe
Just another man selling his wares on the street, wait, I mean in the subway