1 Swiss trains are not always on time-coming home from Verbier i was delayed by trains around 50 minutes.
2 Swiss roads, thought to be some of the best kept in the world are NOT. black ice, snow, and traffic jams are ever prevalent!
The REAL switzerland story-So yesterday I go back to the scene of the "crime" to see if the person who owns the boxes would give them to me. I started to know on doors and i see this man trying to carry a tv into his apartment. i asked if the boxes over there were his. he replied that yes they are but i have to move this tv right now. his buddy couldnt carry his end of the tv so soon i was carrying it to his 3rd floor apartment. he was super nice about it all and offered to take me to get those for him. soon we were walking across town and went to a second hand shop. here Robil tried on a styly motorcycle helmet.
There wasnt anything at the store that i wanted and told him that we should go back to his place so i can show him exactly what i want. we got there and i showed him the boxes. he told me "well you can have those or i have these nicer ones right over here." ho gave me some solid plastic milk crate boxes for helping him out. then "he let me show you my friends they live right over here." soon i was in an apartment with a refugee family from Eritrea Africa, where Robil came from as well when he was one seeking political asylum from a war going on there. In this family was a pregnant mother and three kids living with no furniture, or much of anything. the one thing one their walls-a small swiss flag. Robil asks"can you make bed?" "ya i could". all of a sudden I'm put to work helping to make a cabinet, their first real piece of furniture with the help of Robil and the oldest son Joseph. the mother made tea and cooked up some delicious tradition Etritean bread. The kids were super cheerful and happy watching us assemble the new cabinet. here is Robil and the kids-
the new cabinet-
It was crazy to see this side of switzerland! Robil says that since immigration is new to Switzerland many people look at him like a "wild animal". he has lived here 2 years and the only work he can find is under the table and under the minimum wage. he says that there is a lot of prejiduce towards black people in switzerland. if he sits down next to someone on the train they either put their purse in thier lap or get up and go to another seat.
I think maybe the craziest, most moving, experience i have have ever had traveling. made me think about some things in my own life for sure.
i found out what the bread is(through wikipedia of course)
wikipedia search "Himbasha" it was great!